Thursday, September 10, 2009

keeping on keeping on.

ugh. i didn't wanna blog tonight, but ended up doing it anyway.. i had such a great day, but i feel the spiritaul battle going on in my heart. it's been a hard past 2 days in that area.. i am feeling far more distracted than normal and not talking to the Lord as much as i would like. i need to get some better time management huh?? i can see something that will be a struggle for me all year long if i don't go to the Lord to help me with it. He is so much bigger than me, right? Right! so, i know this too shall pass and that i need to constantly go to Him in prayer.. today was a really long day and our first working a retreat... tomorrow will be the same.. i am loving it like always, but my heart being under attack is starting to bear down on me. sometimes i don't know how to deal with situations like these to be honest. He is my help and my guide. i will follow Him.

Lord, help me in the areas that i fail in. help me to seek you first. i fail so often and i need to turn to you more than i do. mold and shape me Lord through every circumstance. please give me self-control over my mouth and my emotions. it's all for You. Amen.

along the journey..


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  2. i'll be praying for you! always go Him. it's something i wish i would do more often when i start feeling distant. the less time i spend with the Him, the harder it is to come back to His feet (at least that's how it's been with me). just know that He's always walking with you through it all! that's how wonderfully faithful He is!
