Monday, October 5, 2009


so, yesterday was an awesome day in so many ways. i went to church and was able to relax on one of our days off. i had plans to meet one of my friends for a movie and dinner at 5. didn't work out... the story goes like this. after church i had lunch at camp with the tnt'ers. love them.. anyway.. and then after that Taco had a special day planned for us.. we left around 2:30ish to go on little adventure... i was stressed out because i didnt know if i was going to be able to make my plans and the skins were losing again! haha the part about the skins really didn't stress me out. im not that crazy, but moving on.. we got to our destination which was a cute little park where he had made a picnic for us with a pinata and everything! i started to feel guilty because i was in such a bad mood and i was letting it effect me so much..i also started to feel guilty i couldnt stay as long as i wanted with my coworkers.. these such small issues became so huge in my mind when they really werent! haha i then also felt bad that i might have to change my plans with my friend... well i had to change the plans from a movie to dinner and hanging out at 6.. first off he was so understanding and really flexible.. i just assumed it was going to bother everyone when in reality it didnt. so i was able to stay with my coworkers longer and still meet stephen later on.. on my car ride i was thinking about all the reasons i was stressed and how minor they really were.. i usually dont get stressed out, but for some reason i was. when we got to the restaurant there was mark and lori! the president of sandy cove and his wife who are like 2nd parents to me.. it was a blessing after blessing kinda night. i was so grateful and so blown away that the Lord really blessed my day even when i doubted.. all i did was stress and assume things weren't going to work out.. doesn't God always work things out for us and tells us not to stress? yes, but i did anyway.. i am so undeserving of the blessings He sends my way. being able to hang out with my coworkers and then the fishers and stephen all in one day was far better than the day i had planned... the day the Lord had planned was far better than the one i could even imagine. and i doubted.. it shows how we are so undeserving esp. me. i am thankful for the lessons learned and the blessings received. it is a perfect exampled of Ephesians 3:20 which stephen shared with me last night.. it spoke to me so much and i am so thankful for such a solid friend like that in my life! God's plans are far better than our own even little days like yesterday.. His plans for our lives aren't just better than ours but His plans are better even in the small things like our day to day plans.. i am so grateful for a God who spreads His grace over me. i am undeserving...

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