Monday, January 4, 2010

ringing in the new year.

man, it's 4 days into the new year already.. the past week has been a very fun and eventful one. we got back to the ranch last sunday and started work the next day. we did some cleaning and preparing for winter meltdown as well as the rvr staff reunion that was also last week. we had to come back so soon after Christmas because we had a huge group that came last monday as well. so we also helped host the retreat. as soon as the retreat group left we cleaned up camp so that the rvr staff who were coming for the reunion would have somewhere clean to stay :) our job during the reunion was to be present and to have fun/ hang out with the staff. we had so much fun, but let me tell ya i am still tired and haven't caught up on my rest yet. the first night the staff was here was new year's eve.. we made dinner and then we headed down to the inner harbor in baltimore.. it was sooo much fun.. cold and rainy, but still so much fun.. we danced around and walked around.. got some good coffee and the watched fireworks while dancing/ welcoming the new year in. they were the best fireworks i have ever seen. totally legit. the next day we had the traditional flag football game and dodge ball tournament.. dessa and i were 2 of 4 girls who played.. we tore it up. yeah girl :) not to mention we got a little muddy..ok a lot muddy. us 6 interns were a dodge ball team and we tore it up as well. we got 2nd place, but it was a great fight and a really big deal.. :) haha ok it wasn't, but it was still really competitive. haha that night the traditional ranch coffee house took place.. some pretty great acts and pretty funny acts were performed. dess, sarah, and i sang girls just wanna have fun in ridiculous outfits.. yeah, we had fun if you were wondering.. the next morning (sat) the staff ate breakfast and then went back home... as soon as they were gone sarah, taco, and i loaded up my car and headed over to sandy cove for my summer staff reunion there. we were allowed to bring guests and i wanted to show them the cove and spend time with them as well. so, i was in charge of the whole reunion.. i must say that it was a lot more than i thought and i don't usually get stressed out, but i was feeling the stress without being stressed out if that makes sense. we probably had about 50 people show up.. it was such an awesome time catching up on relationships made during the summer. even though part of planning an event is stressful, it is very rewarding.. watching people laughing together, talking together, eating together, and re-connecting was such a rewarding feeling. it did bring me great joy that everyone else was enjoying their time. some of us played games, some just talked, some played hide and seek, some walked around, and some played signs.. i thank the ranch for introducing that game to me.. we played till midnight and had so much fun.. the next morning we had breakfast and then a small service i tried to put together.. Stephen led worship for me, which was great and so helpful to me and then we did a small devotional on living a different story.. living like Caleb who stood out among the others who doubted the land that the Lord had promised them.. hopefully, it spoke to them as much as it spoke to me when i did the devo. i spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching football with Stephen :) for dinner i met on of my bestfriend's danielle and her family.. it was great to catch up with them. they were a 2nd family for me during my senior year of softball at liberty. this brings me to today, which is Taco's birthday! happy birthday Taco! we went snowboarding/ skiing for the day, which ended up being 2 hours because carly got hurt pretty bad. so we got vouchers for a free day later on, which is sweet because we got a few hours free of boarding.. it was almost like the Lord knew what we needed. i haven't sat and relaxed and just spent time reading/ spending time with the Lord in a while.. i have really been on the go for a week straight.. not to mention driving a lot. i don't want to look at this situation as a good one because it's not good she got hurt, but i like to look at it like good things can come from any situation. so the gang were all good sports about it and we decided to leave early. it's like we all needed some rest and down time.. man, Lord thank you so much for working all situations for your good and ours as well. may we always look for the good in every situation. up next is another busy week i am sure, but i know i will be getting more rest! i will make myself! :)

grace and peace,

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