Sunday, November 22, 2009

playing a little catch up.

let's play a little catch up on the past 10 days. hmmm, lot's has happened. :) where to begin. well, last weekend i was the tnt host. there was one worker and his name was nate. it was a pretty busy weekend so we didn't get to play around too much. what we did get to do was have great conversations.. we shared our testimonies and some recent struggles and what God is doing in our lives. it's encouraging to see a 16 year old boy struggling to grow in his faith. even if it is struggling it is growing.. i was also encouraged by his honesty. when people are honest they can receive honest advice and help. i was able to encourage and give advice. it was awesome because i was nervous about how the weekend would play out with being a girl host working with one boy worker. i prayed that the Lord would allow us to connect in some way and use me in some way. i believe that prayer was answered! they always are. :) i tie-dyed a lot more on monday.. they turned out great and i even tried dying some gloves. they actually look cute! still selling all that stuff by the way. hahaha. anyways, on tuesday we were pleasantly surprised when Matt announced that we had a small day trip of canoeing planned. we packed a lunch and headed to a local park, put the canoe's in the water and made a day of it. our first stop was an island where we had lunch, a throwing contest, and then a devotional. after the devo was over matt asked us to go find a spot on the island to sit and think about some goals we have or wanted to make. it was a great time.. even though it was 20 mins, it was what i needed. i needed to think about what my goals were and are. of course i want to grow more and more into the image of Christ, but there are more than just that. i also want to put on love every day. i don't want to just say it, but live it. i want to lead someone to Christ this year, take advantage of every opportunity given to me to share the love of Christ, and to really be a light in this dark world. i mean a real bright bright light! those are some of the goals i had made.. after that we got back in the boats and paddled around until about 4. the midweek was pretty much normal.. did some cleaning, finished working on our initiative book, and did small jobs that needed to be done. i've been working out a lot lately instead of running. it really bums me out, but my feet have been going numb again. i guess surgery didn't work.. :( so i have turned over to doing a workout video by jillian michaels from the biggest loser. i really enjoy it! i know that was very random, but just thought i would share. on thursday evening the interns threw me a small birthday surprise celebration. can i just say how blessed i am to work with such awesome loving people?? i am! well it was a cheese party! haha the first one i have ever had. they had a platter of all kinds of cheeses, gold fish, queso and chips, easy cheese and crackers, cheese sticks, and pizza! it was sooooooo good. we watched up and also played settler's of canton. they also got me some gifts.. they got me a mug that they wrote on with nice words they thought described me.. they also got me vanilla creamer (yumm), my favorite flowers (fake ones that last forever yay!), and a tiara. :) it was a great night and our last one together until after break. my birthday was yesterday (saturday). i am 23. growing up is crazy. i don't feel any different than i did when i was a teenager, except more mature haha. i had to work, but was so blessed to get off early at 3:30 and was able to get a shower and get ready for the night. i had dinner and saw a movie with stephen and had a wonderful time. :) i received some great gifts from him and really couldn't have asked for a better night. :) :) :)
life is good. God is better. i need to be living with more love. i'm working and growing in that area. i also need to be consumed with Him. sometimes i find myself being consumed with things of the world instead of being consumed with Him to reach this world. today at church we sang the old song that goes..this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long. i want to adopt that song for this time period. this is what i want to say, what i want to be living each and every day.. this is my story that i am living and the song that i am singing praising my Savior all the day long. what a great story to live and a great song to sing. i pray that will be the story i live- to praise my Savior all the day long.

living His story,

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