Thursday, October 29, 2009

chic-fil-a, fun, and community.

this has been a light work week for me.. it was greatly needed.. i had monday off like usual and then worked on tuesday on race stuff! the race is in 2 days and i am soo excited! besty's and my costumes look so good! wednesday we got up at 2:30 am and made our way to my first chic-fil-a grand opening.. yes i know you think we are crazy, but hear us out.. so we left at 3 and got there around 530am.. if you are part of the first 100 people you get 52 free coupons for a #1 meal! =) well needless to say all 14 of us rvr's made it in and got our coupons! the deal is that you have to stay on site for 24 hours and camp out there.. you have to be there for line checks to make sure that you haven't left. i had such a blast.. one of the most fun times i have ever had. we played games, watched the phillies, ate a lot of chic fil a, dominated in the competitions, and met new people. the only bad part is that i have slept only 8 hours in the past 2 days! its rough and that is why i will be sleeping in about 10 mins =) so, spending 24 hours in the same parking lot with 100 other people is a sure way to get to meet people... here is one of the funny and yet crazy stories that took place.. i was in line with jodi to get sauce for my sandwhich and we saw some people from PBU and we started chatting because i was wearing my liberty softball shirt.. one girl said she was just there a few weeks ago visiting her best friend.. she saw that i played softball and said her friend played soccer.. well her friend was my roommate my last year at liberty!!! she also came to visit her and slept in my bed!!! haha small small world.. liberty was probably about 6 hours away from the chic fil a we were at.. crazy crazy =) but what was awesome was meeting new people and watching people.. it almost became a little community.. watching people watch the phillies game not knowing each other, but having that common bond that brought them together.. it was great to sit and look and think about that's how the christian community should be.. filled with different types of people, but all connected with the same love for Jesus Christ.. so many of us get community right, yet others get it so wrong.. the bond of Jesus Christ should make the christian community stronger, but sometimes we allow things to tear us apart like different views and different takes on aspects of life (as long as it's Biblical:), but if we could just focus on the central theme that we both love the Lord our world would be a little easier to live in. =) so look past people's differences and find that similar ground of Jesus Christ and let that be the foundation of a great relationship...

in Him

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