Monday, January 25, 2010

oh man, what a night! wait, i mean weekend!

sometimes we experience things in life that just blow us away. some things are so simple and some so complex. either way it is hard to put into words how exactly you felt. i am relaxing on my day off after an awesome weekend of the first winter meltdown program. i am reflecting on how much God showed up, how much He used us as a staff, and how much i grew as well. i must admit that i was excited for winter meltdown, but i was also so nervous that i wouldn't have minded if it never came. don't get me wrong i really couldn't wait, but you know how nerves can make you feel sometimes! i really had no idea what to expect because we weren't told too much, but we had the big picture just no little details. i guess that is a good thing so we wouldn't go into it with expectations! my role was to recite poems...4 of them to be exact. a few short and a few long. one was about 2 and a half minutes! well, now you see why i was so nervous.. i love being in front of people, but memorizing stuff isn't my thing. now, looking back after the first weekend i am so grateful, thankful, and honored for the opportunity the Lord placed in my hands. i was so far outside of my comfort zone, but so grateful for it because outside of that zone is where you grow and experience God in ways you can't inside your comfort zone. you wouldn't think something as simple as having to memorize some poems would make such a huge difference in my walk with God. i was in constant prayer the whole weekend for the children and for the Lord to be my memory and calm my nerves.. He showed up so big.. each poem went so smoothly and i had no problems! it was not me at all, but the Lord speaking through me. man, i am so grateful for Him in my life! my coworkers and i were in constant prayer for each other as well. it helped me grow in so many ways praying for each other and for the Lord to use us. we grew so much closer as a group. it is amazing when you do something for the Lord. it is easy to get lost in doing things for ourselves, but i pray that i will not get lost in that and that everything i do would be for the glory of the Lord. not only did i grow in my walk, but i also had fun! just because i was working the program didn't mean i couldn't participate with the youth. haha it was a blast. the kids had so much fun as well. the Lord was really moving in their hearts.. around 5 people got saved and some rededicated their lives. we can never truly know the hearts of people, but i so believe that some of these kids came to know the Lord and experience Him in ways they had never before. i am blessed to be a part of this ministry and honored that the Lord would use someone as imperfect as me to give Him glory. i am unworthy and so so grateful.

Lord, thank you for using me for your glory! may i never get lost in giving the glory to myself. keep me humble and continue to use winter meltdown to bring children to You and Your Son!

walking in His footprints,

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